6 minute read

Human Error: The Hidden Cost of Downtime

Rob Walz

Content Marketing Manager

Human error costs more than you think.

When it comes to unplanned downtime, many companies focus on technical failures and supply chain disruptions as the primary culprits. However, one of the most significant contributors to downtime is often overlooked: human error.

In fact, human error is responsible for nearly a quarter of all downtime incidents in manufacturing and other high-stakes industries. These errors can have a devastating impact, leading to production delays, financial losses, and even safety hazards. To effectively combat downtime, companies must address the root causes of human error and invest in solutions that minimize its occurrence.

The Pervasiveness of Human Error in Manufacturing

Human error can occur at any stage of the production process, from planning and scheduling to equipment operation and maintenance. The reasons for these errors are varied, but they often stem from inadequate training, poor communication, and outdated processes. For example, an employee might make a mistake due to a lack of familiarity with the equipment they are using, or they may fail to follow established protocols in a high-pressure situation.

These errors are not limited to lower-level employees. Human error can also occur at the management level, where poor planning or communication between departments can lead to scheduling conflicts, resource shortages, and other issues that exacerbate downtime. Additionally, external factors such as extreme weather or natural disasters can increase the likelihood of human error, as workers are forced to make quick decisions under stressful conditions.

The impact of human error on downtime is significant. In manufacturing, where precision and efficiency are paramount, even a small mistake can lead to costly disruptions. For example, a simple error in the operation of a machine can cause it to malfunction, leading to production delays and the need for costly repairs. In some cases, these errors can also pose safety risks, putting workers in danger and leading to potential legal liabilities for the company.

The Superiority of Live Training Over E-Learning

To effectively reduce the risk of human error, companies must invest in comprehensive training programs that equip employees with the skills and knowledge they need to perform their jobs accurately and efficiently. While e-learning and virtual training have gained popularity in recent years, live training remains the most effective method for addressing the issues associated with human error in manufacturing environments.

Live training offers several key advantages over e-learning. First and foremost, live training provides hands-on experience, allowing employees to practice their skills in a controlled environment. This is particularly important in manufacturing, where the operation of complex machinery and adherence to safety protocols require precise, practiced actions. Live training enables employees to engage directly with instructors, ask questions, and receive immediate feedback, all of which contribute to a deeper understanding of the material.

Moreover, live training can be tailored to address specific challenges within an organization. For example, if a particular department has experienced a high number of downtime incidents due to human error, a targeted live training program can be developed to address the root causes of these errors. This level of customization is often not possible with e-learning, which tends to be more generic and less interactive.

Another significant advantage of live training is the ability to simulate real-world scenarios. In a live training environment, employees can experience the pressures and challenges of their job in a safe setting, where mistakes can be made and corrected without real-world consequences. This type of experiential learning is invaluable in preparing employees to handle the unpredictable nature of industrial operations, where quick thinking and problem-solving skills are essential.

While e-learning has its place—particularly for delivering basic information or training large numbers of employees—it cannot replace the depth of understanding and confidence that live training provides. By investing in live training, companies can ensure that their workforce is not only well-trained but also well-prepared to minimize downtime and maintain continuous production.

Why Administrate is the Best TMS for Live Training Management

Given the importance of live training in reducing human error and downtime, it’s crucial for companies to have the right tools in place to manage their training programs effectively. This is where Administrate, a leading Training Management System (TMS), excels. Administrate offers a comprehensive solution for managing live training at scale, making it the best choice for companies looking to minimize downtime and maximize productivity.

Here’s how Administrate stands out as the best TMS for live training management:

Efficient Scheduling and Resource Management: One of the biggest challenges in live training is coordinating schedules and resources. Administrate automates much of the scheduling process, ensuring that the right instructors are matched with the right courses and that training sessions are planned efficiently. This reduces the risk of training gaps and ensures that all employees receive the training they need to perform their jobs effectively.

Real-Time Data and Performance Tracking: Administrate provides real-time data on training performance, allowing companies to monitor the effectiveness of their live training programs. This data can be used to identify trends, measure the impact of training on productivity, and make informed decisions about future training needs. With Administrate, companies can continuously improve their training programs and reduce the likelihood of human error.

Customization and Flexibility: Every organization has unique training needs, and Administrate offers the flexibility to create customized training programs that address specific challenges. Whether a company needs to focus on reducing errors in a particular department or preparing employees for new equipment, Administrate allows for the creation of tailored training programs that meet these needs.

Integration with Existing Systems: Administrate is designed to integrate seamlessly with existing systems, such as ERP and HR platforms. This ensures that training management is aligned with broader business processes, allowing for smooth data flow and consistency across the organization. By integrating training management with other critical business functions, Administrate helps companies ensure that their training efforts are fully aligned with their operational goals.

Support for Live Training Delivery: Administrate is specifically designed to support the delivery of live training, offering features that streamline the management of in-person sessions. From tracking attendance and instructor performance to managing certification and compliance, Administrate provides all the tools needed to deliver effective live training that reduces the risk of human error.

Human error is a significant contributor to unplanned downtime, and addressing this issue requires a proactive approach to training and management. While e-learning offers certain benefits, live training remains the most effective method for equipping employees with the skills and knowledge they need to minimize errors and maintain continuous production.

You can read more in our guide, The High Cost of Downtime.

Robert Walz is Content Marketing Manager at Administrate.


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