4 minute read

What is Administrate’s Scheduler?

Hisham Arnaout

Product Manager

At Administrate, we’ve always prided ourselves on our robust support for classroom, or instructor-led training (ILT). With 80% of corporate training—and nearly all high-value training—delivered via ILT or blended modalities, our dedication to this mode of learning has set us apart. However, amid our successes, a significant problem loomed large: managing large schedules.

The Unseen Challenge

Managing training programs can be daunting for any organization, requiring thorough coordination of training teams, resources, instructors, and availability to ensure seamless delivery. The complexity multiplies when dealing with hundreds or thousands of courses, multiple training programs, numerous instructors, and varying resource availability. Planning even a single course demands aligning instructors, locations, and resources, each with independent schedules. Multiply this by large-scale operations, and the challenge becomes exponentially more complex.

Recognizing the Problem

Through close collaboration with our customers, we identified a critical gap in our system: the challenge of scheduling and planning at scale, which posed one of the most significant pain points in their process.

We heard countless stories of training administrators spending weeks, if not months, painstakingly crafting schedules only to have them disrupted by unexpected changes—an instructor’s sudden resignation, double-booked venues, or new training needs.

Even if you can solve the challenges of understanding who, what, where, and when for course scheduling, you have another problem: If you’re responsible for the training of 60,000 salespeople, what courses should you run? What’s required of everyone, where are they on those requirements, and how often should these courses run to make sure everyone has the opportunity to get the learning they need to help the company sell more?

The Turning Point

Three years ago, we decided to tackle this head-on. Like Henry Ford’s famous comment, “If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses,” we realized that no one explicitly asked us for a comprehensive scheduling solution because they couldn’t envision its possibility. Yet, it was their biggest challenge. We ventured on this journey by building a prototype.

A screen shot of an early prototype of the Administrate Scheduler tool.
An early prototype of Scheduler.

We experimented, learned, and iterated with our customers, continuously refining our approach. Early feedback underscored the need for a more dynamic, flexible planning tool—a canvas that could visualize and adapt to the ever-changing landscape of training schedules.

A view of the Event Planner in Administrate's Scheduler tool.
Planning Canvas makes it easy to visualize your schedules while you adjust components.

Innovating with AI and Data

Our journey was far from straightforward. Extensive testing and numerous iterations highlighted the importance of harnessing the vast amounts of data within our system.

We realized that with the right application of AI, we could transform this data into actionable insights, simulating over 2,000 solutions per minute, anticipating scheduling conflicts, and suggesting optimal solutions in real time.

Administrate Scheduler UI elements such as issue highlights, the add instructor modal, and session conflict alerts.

Revolutionizing Scheduling

Today, we are proud to introduce our Scheduler—a tool that transforms how training programs are planned and managed. It saves administrators tenfold the time, drastically increasing efficiency and reducing the stress of constant replanning.

Equipped with the AI solver, you can go through over 2,000 solutions per minute and suggest schedules that match your configuration, training needs, requirements, and resource availability. You have full control over how you can use the Scheduler, yet you can also tap on the Force for an added boost.

A screenshot of Scheduler solving a plan.
Scheduler taps your training data and course info to help you solve complex plans.

Saving Time, Enabling Growth

Our Scheduler isn’t just a tool for managing schedules; it’s a catalyst for growth. By automating complex scheduling tasks and freeing up valuable time, our customers can redirect their focus toward strategic initiatives that drive business growth. Imagine what you could achieve with weeks or months of planning now streamlined into mere hours. This newfound efficiency empowers you to innovate, expand training offerings, and scale operations with confidence.

Looking Ahead

But our journey doesn’t end here. We’re committed to enhancing our Scheduler with more configuration options and customization features. Soon, you’ll have even greater visibility into utilization metrics and training hours, enabling faster, data-driven decisions about your training programs. Our goal is not just to solve today’s challenges but to anticipate and exceed your future needs.

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Automated Scheduling

Months of planning and scheduling reduced to just a few clicks.

Hisham Arnaout is Product Manager at Administrate.


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