Report training metrics

Analyze training metrics with no-code reporting engine

With Administrate access 100% of L&D data to show real impact on training metrics. Here’s how the platform makes it possible.

Gain a complete view of your learning analytics

Administrate is built on a powerful, configurable data model.

All of your training data enters the Administrate platform through a combination of course templates, training CRM, calendars, and through connections with other business systems.
Because you have access to 100% of your training data, the insights gleaned from Administrate go far beyond typical learning tech

training team developing a report

No-code reporting simplifies analytics

We’ve made it easy to filter and query this complex data with our no-code reporting engine.

Simply click the items you want to report on, and Administrate shows you how they’re connected.
Reports can be emailed to anyone, even stakeholders that do not access Administrate. Reports can be scheduled to generate at certain times, or triggered by defined conditions.

Featured Case Study

Ping Identity scales training management

A leading IT training service provider used Administrate to implement a streamlined training management strategy that doubled YoY growth.

Manager and colleague in training.

Harness a powerful data pipeline

Training data exists throughout the organization, capture it anywhere.

Administrate is unique because it forges powerful connections between your existing learning tech and other business systems in one place. You can harness that data pipeline to create reports that are impossible with other learning tech, and reveal deep insights into your training.


Additional Features

What else can Administrate do?

Get a demo of Administrate

Administrate is unique because our platform is a data-first training management solution. We empower training teams to access 100% of their valuable learning analytics to drive data maturity, execute against organizational goals, and show training ROI.