Automated Scheduling

Now scheduling complex training takes minutes



Months worth of training and difficult logistical planning condensed into one tool.

Scheduling hundreds of classroom training across several months takes a huge effort.

Too many spreadsheets

Spreadsheets for training, for holidays, for instructors availability, and room availability make a complex task massively error-prone.

Out of date knowledge

As soon as you get instructors availability, it can change—so begins a painful back and forth when selecting dates for training.

Managing multiple systems

Getting your plan to your learners and instructors can be spread across many different systems, so when that plan inevitably changes, you have to re-work in multiple places.

Scale your scheduling

We solved the scheduling problem

One tool to manage your schedule, keep you informed about availability and alert you to issues in your plan.

AI Powered

Your demands. Met.

Our training scheduling software is equipped with a powerful AI solver. It can suggest a schedule to you based on your own configuration that matches instructors to training, picks dates that avoids holidays or other commitments and sensibly spreads your training across your entire program.

Illustration of Administrate's Scheduler solving a schedule for NE Coronary Angiography & Vascular courses. The image demonstrates a user clicking the 'Solve' button and receiving a fully solved plan. The interface displays various courses, resources, and instructors.
Illustration of a Hematology Training Q3 schedule in Administrate’s Scheduler. The schedule includes a list of resources and room assignments. There are 4 issues and 10 warnings, and the user’s cursor hovers over the issue navigator to click through all of the issues. The currently selected issue indicates that the instructor has a conflict.

Calendar Sync

Availability information is always up-to-date

With availability information integrated into the scheduler, you can see any scheduling conflicts that exist. With the support of our calendar sync you will always have the most up-to-date availability information for your instructors and rooms.

Custom Control

You have complete control

With intuitive drag-and-drop on the scheduler calendar, you have total control where your training is scheduled. Easily swap out instructors or rooms and see your changes immediately reflected on the calendar.

Illustration of a Medical Imaging Training Q1 schedule in Administrate's Scheduler, showing resource and room assignments for MRI Simulation Labs in January. The schedule lists four labs: Atlanta, Boston, Edison, and Las Vegas, with a conflict warning in Boston Lab on January 5th. A hand cursor is dragging an assignment within the schedule and the interface is showing where there are already conflicts. At the same time, calendar information is overlaid with an image of the instructor who has the conflict and his calendar showing that he is out of office on the original day, but free on the second day.
Illustration of Administrate's Scheduler showing Angiography & Vascular Courses Q2. The interface displays a schedule for April 1st to 12th, with courses listed and their corresponding time blocks. A 'Solved' status is indicated, and a modal is in the bottom right with a ‘create events and book’ button. The modal indicates that 115 draft events, 67 instructors, and 439 resources will be created and booked.

Move from planned to published

When you are happy with your plan it only takes one click to create your events within the system. From there, other automations can trigger—like sending your booked instructors communications about their events.

Additional Features

What else can Administrate do?

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Get a personalized demo of Administrate, including our Scheduler. We will show how it works, see how it can help your team, and talk about what you’ll do with all your time saved.

Screenshots of the planning canvas in Scheduler, an AI powered scheduling tool available with Administrate. These screens show additional booking options.